Friday, June 24, 2011


Today is almost 6 dpiui and 7 dpo! Moving along I suppose... but all this stress in my life is making this process hard for me to get thru. I am tired of babysitting adults, I need to take care of MYSELF not everyone else. I swear I think if this doesn't happen for me this time I only have one person to blame. My brother. I shouldn't be having to deal with his wild issues. I am younger then him, yet...... I have to take care of him. Its seriously stressing me out! I have cramps still today, still this crazy bloating stuff. My cramps are still bad enough to be verrrry noticeable. I do have the cramps more so on the left side today though...hmm.... I looked for my cervix again, and I think its higher then last time, and tilted towards the back. My CM is still not that bad as last month, just the usual around this time...nothing out of the norm. This will be a short post because Grayson and I are webcaming but I did want to note that im still having pretty bad cramps, bloating, and maybe gas? Maybe im not sure? Its gas pains I guess without the gassyness lol.


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