Sunday, May 22, 2011

It Feels Like Nesting...

I am now 8dpo 7dpiui... still nothing. I feel very discouraged at this didnt happen. Today I have had no cramps, no sore boobs, no spotting, no crazy emotions, no cm changes, no pregnancy symptoms. The only thing I think happen was the HCG made me go into nesting. I feel like even though I dont even know if im truly pregnant, I want to clean and prepare for another baby. I have this urge to start hoarding baby things and that im thinking of what needs to be done first as far as housework (tile, carpet, paint, furniture) to make a better place for more babies. I also had a dream last night that I went to the bathroom and was ethier just bleeding or started a period- ethier way not what I want. I dont remember why or when just that it happen. The HCG is out of my system, and I know this becasue a pregnancy test is coming back negative and not positive like it was a few days after the trigger. I finally remembered to take my temp this morning and it was 98.2 so thats till pretty high for my normal basal, and the other morning (2-3 days ago) when I took my temp it was only 97.4 or 97.6 which had me even more discouraged because thats so low for a basal. I just dont know... and I am going crazy not knowing what my fate is.

The stats: 8 dpo, 9 iui... lots of white lotion thick cm, basl 98.2 *good I hope*, no more cramps which I feel is a mixed signal. I am not emotional yet, just anxious to know what the outcome will be. Last night i pressed down on my stomach during a cramp and it felt hard... but it could be just the position I was laying. I am taking my progesterone every night along with the estrace like I was told, and I have to give myself 2 more hcg shots, which is CRAZY... ive never heard of having to do a "trigger" more then the one time.. so im nervous about that because it hurt so bad the first time. A really ugly breakout, cervix is still low open and not wet, just lotion stuff. Dull headache and backache off and on, not so much today but yesterday I had a bachache all day at work. And nesting like symptoms...but we are on week one so we only have 2 more weeks to go on my 2ww...( makes sense right?) to go. Im hoping I get more hints later this week as to whats going on :)


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